Dumping Tainted Soil Near Shawnigan Lake Gets Go-Ahead

Bill Cleverley

Times Colonist, March 20, 2015

A ruling by the Environmental Appeal Board has cleared the way for South Island Aggregates to start receiving tonnes of contaminated soil at its facility near Shawnigan Lake.

Concerned the site could contaminate Shawnigan Lake, three area residents, the Shawnigan Lake Residents Association and the Cowichan Valley Regional District had appealed a B.C. Ministry of Environment permit granted to South Island Aggregates. It allowed the company to receive up to 100,000 tonnes a year of contaminated soil at a site on Stebbings Road.

In a 147-page decision released Friday, the appeal board sided with the company, saying the permit should stand and a stay on operations should be rescinded.

Image: Shawnigan Lake

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